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    MK Noteikumi nr. 457 - Kārtība, kādā mantas konfiskācijas rezultātā iegūtos naudas līdzekļus vai man
    Cabinet regulations
    MK noteikumi nr. 1001 - Ieroču un munīcijas iegādāšanās, reģistrēšanas, uzskaites, glabāšanas, pārva
    Cabinet regulations
    Cab. Reg. No. 523 - Procedures for Bringing the Body of a Deceased Human into the State or Taking It out of the State, Conveying, Storing, Burying or Cremating the Body of a Deceased Human who has Died from an Infectious Disease, and for Conducting a Mandatory Pathologic-Anatomical Investigation to Refine Diagnosis after the Death of a Patient (with amendments to 09.06.2020.)
    Cabinet regulations