Execution deadline in working days
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Individual person
Private law legal person
Receiving restrictions

Opinion on the conformity of geographical names with the requirements of the Cabinet Regulation No. 50 of 10 January 2012, Regulations Regarding Geographical Names Information, is provided upon request.

Process description

  1. Requesting the service
    In order to receive the service, a private individual must submit a submission, indicating the information specified in Section 3, Paragraph two of the Law on Submissions on themselves and proposals for the assignment of official geographical names and official parallel.

  2. Receipt of the service
    The State Language Centre shall provide an expert opinion on the conformity of the geographical name with the requirements of the Cabinet Regulation No. 50 of 10 January 2012, Regulations Regarding Geographical Names Information, and, where necessary, inform the respective local government thereof. The service shall be provided in the requested manner. If the customer has indicated in the submission that they wish to receive the service electronically or by post, the prepared opinion shall be sent to the indicated address.