Cab. Reg. No. 116. – Regulations Regarding the Implementation of the Fourth Round of Investment “Aid Instrument for Research and Internationalisation” under Reform 5.1.1.r “Innovation Management and Motivation of Private Investments in Research and Development (R&D)” of Reform and Investment Direction 5.1 “Promotion of Productivity through Increase in the Amount of Investments in Research and Development (R&D)” of the Recovery and Resilience Facility Plan of Latvia (with amendments to 20.08.2024.)
Cab. Reg. No. 532 - Certification Procedures for Civil Aviation Aircraft Cabin Crew Members and Their Training Providers (with amendments to 27.02.2024.)
Cab. Reg. No. 597 - Regulations Regarding the Implementation of Activity “Support for Enterprise Participation in Capital Markets” of Specific Objective 1.2.1 “Strengthening Research and Innovation Capacity and the Introduction of Progressive Technologies for Enterprises” of the European Union Cohesion Policy Programme 2021–2027 (with amendments to 03.09.2024.)
Cab. Reg. No. 293 - Regulations Regarding the Implementation of Activity “Support for Introducing New Products into Production” of Specific Aid Objective 1.2.1 “Increase Private Sector Investments in Research and Development (R&D)” of the Operational Programme “Growth and Employment” (with amendments to 05.12.2023.)
Cab. Reg. No. 503 - Regulations Regarding the Loans with a Capital Discount for Exporting Merchants for the Aid for Large Investment Projects (with amendments to 25.06.2024.)
Cab. Reg. No. 537 - Regulations Regarding Portfolio Guarantees for the Promotion of Crediting of Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Performers of Economic Activity which Are Legal Persons (with amendments 18.06.2024.)
Cab. Reg. No. 383 - Regulations Regarding Guarantees for Performers of Economic Activity for the Improvement of Competitiveness (with amendments to 04.06.2024.)
Cab. Reg. No. 421 - Regulations Regarding the Implementation of Investment “Financial Instruments for Promoting Digital Transformation of Merchants” of Reform and Investment Direction 2.2 “Digital Transformation and Innovations of Enterprises” of the Plan for the European Recovery and Resilience Facility (with amendments to 18.06.2024.)
Law on the Handling of Tobacco Products, Tobacco Substitute Products, Herbal Products for Smoking, Electronic Smoking Devices and Their Liquids (with amendments to 11.01.2024.)