Paplašinātā meklēšana
    Notīrīt filtrus
    Atrasti 3350 rezultāti
    Cab. Reg. No. 256 - Regulations Regarding the Procedures by which Reallocation of Appropriations among Programmes, Sub-programmes and Expenditure Codes in Conformity with Economic Categories shall be
    MK Noteikumi
    Cab. Reg. No. 331 - Procedures for the Issuance of a Special Permit (Licence) for Commercial Activities with the Goods Referred to in the Common Military List of the European Union (with amendments to
    MK Noteikumi
    Cab. Reg. No. 12 - Regulations Regarding the Procedures for the Manufacture, Purchase, Storage, Marketing, and Accounting of Explosives and Explosive Devices and Requirements to be Fulfilled by a Merc
    MK Noteikumi
    Cab. Reg. No. 28 - Procedures for the Determination and Collection of the Charges for the Air Navigation Services Provided by the State Stock Company "Latvian Air Traffic"
    MK Noteikumi
    Cab. Reg. No. 450 - Regulations Regarding the Amount of the State Petroleum Product Stocks, the Amount of the State Fee to be Paid for the Maintenance of Emergency Stocks, and the Procedures for the C
    MK Noteikumi
    Cab. Reg. No. 120 - Procedures by Which Persons Receive Vocational Rehabilitation Services
    MK Noteikumi
    Cab. Reg. No. 290 - Procedures for Requesting Forced Landing of an Aircraft in the Interests of Public Order and Security and for Taking Decision To Perform Combat Operations Against an Aircraft in th
    MK Noteikumi
    Cab. Reg. No. 1245 - Procedures for the Performing Exchange of Information in the Field of Taxation between the Competent Authorities of Latvia and Other European Union Member States and Competent Aut
    MK Noteikumi
    Cab. Reg. No. 281 - Regulations Regarding Preventative and Rehabilitation Measures and the Procedures for Evaluation of Environmental Damage and Calculation of Costs of Preventative, Emergency and Reh
    MK Noteikumi
    Cabinet Instruction No. 12 - Instruction Regarding Actions of Responsible Institutions in the Event of Finding a Substance or Object of Unknown Origin if It is Suspected that It Contains Explosive, Radioactive, Dangerous Chemical or Biological Substances
    Methodology of Activity 1.1 "Monitoring of Forest Resources" of the National Forest Inventory
    National Programme for the Assessment and Management of Flood Risks 2008 - 2015
    MK noteikumi Nr. 344 - Noteikumi par kārtību, kādā cilvēku tirdzniecības upuri saņem sociālās rehabi
    MK Noteikumi
    MK noteikumi nr. 537 - Kārtība, kādā finanšu pārskatos atspoguļojams valsts, pašvaldību, ārvalstu, E
    MK Noteikumi
    MK Noteikumi nr. 890 - Kārtība, kādā piešķir valsts budžeta līdzekļus Eiropas Savienības struktūrfon
    MK Noteikumi
    MK Noteikumi nr. 289 - Noteikumi par zāļu klīniskās izpētes un lietošanas novērojumu veikšanas kārtī
    MK Noteikumi